7 tips for a budgeting basic bounce, budget tips and budget plan

7 Tips for a Budgeting Basic Bounce

Budgeting basic bounce may be defined as follows. Ever heard the expression, “I don’t know where my money goes” another is, “I don’t have the things I need and can’t afford any of the things I want”.

If this is a problem you have, you may want to look at your budgeting basic skills. And read this budgeting advice, paying close attention to the process of creating your optimal budget, and then sticking to it.

1. Start With the Budgeting Bounce Essentials

Your budgeting basic bounce should include your essentials to start with. You must have a home, food, and water, at a minimum to exist. So, those are the things you should budget for and pay off, first.
A) Rent, Food, Utilities, Car Payment (if you must have a car for work)

A Budgeting Basic Bounce Can Take Your Budget Over the Top    --Lois

If you don’t pay for insurance your car can be impounded and your home would not be replaced if it is destroyed by fire. So of course insurance is an essential budgeting basic skill. You could lose your credit rating if you don’t have car insurance and an accident is your fault.

The other person’s insurance company can charge you with the payout and lien your credit. In most, if not all states liability car insurance is the law.
B) Homeowners insurance, or Renters insurance, and Car insurance

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If you become ill, could lose your home and assets to a hospital lien? Possibly. To prevent this, you must have health insurance always as a budgeting basic bounce.

If you do not have health insurance, in most cases a hospital will treat you and charge the bill to you, with collection calls to pay up, until you satisfy your bill.
C) Health Insurance

If you have loved ones, that is children or a spouse who will need help with bill paying and life maintenance in the event of an untimely death, you should have life insurance, it can be an inexpensive policy, but it is wise to have something.
D) Life Insurance is a budgeting basic skill

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2. Make Your Hierarchy

Make a hierarchy of your most important to least important needs. Make a list of the most important to the least important budgeting basic items you pay monthly.

Try to pay the top 3-6 items, no matter what, even in the event of a financial emergency, and the bottom 3 that can be temporarily eliminated in a dire emergency.

Slay Your Finances Like Your Life Depended on It With Budgeting Basic Skills,    --Lois

3. Your Savings Please

You will have unexpected expenses from time to time, so emergency savings may cover those expenses, it will also be your cushion for your top three monthly expenses.

Make this savings account a bill that is taken from your checking account or your check monthly so you don’t have to stress paying for saving it. Even if it is only $50 per month, start saving now, it adds up. If you can afford more, put in more.

4. Filling in Gaps for Your Budget

Fill in gaps for your budget quarterly, semi-annual, and yearly items. Some of your expenses will be quarterly, some may be twice yearly, and others once a year.

Create savings for these items, and pull the money out monthly to fund these irregular accounts when they come due. When the item comes up, take the money from this account, instead of from your monthly paycheck.

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5. Maintenance Savings Budgeting Tips

A second emergency account should be for general maintenance. This is a big budgeting tips item that throws off many budgets. Instead of borrowing money for a car or home repair, borrow it from your maintenance savings budget. This saving account could also include your vacation savings.

6. Your Peace of Mind Budget Plan

Every time you think of going off your budget, think about the peace of mind you will get from having a balanced budget, paying your major bills with ease every month, and having extra to cover unforeseen expenses.

Your strict organization is the key to a great budget, this is a general organizational plan. You will create a specific plan for your budget, allow this plan to be your guide.

7. Get Help With Your Budget, Don’t do it Blindly

Pick up your free personal finance gifts now, track your spending, and plug holes in your budget for extra money toward expenses or savings. Use the simple but powerful, Budget Plan to guerrilla plan your budget with an extreme organization now.

Budgeting Tips Summary: Only you can put that budgeting basic bounce in your budget if you go from top to bottom with an analysis. Understand the essentials such as rent, food, homeowners, renters insurance, and health insurance. Then you have dependents – life insurance.

Make a hierarchy of the most important to the least important budget items.
Get your savings in order and fill in the gaps for quarterly or yearly payments.

Now enjoy your peace of mind with your wonderful budgeting basic bounce and newfound budgeting basic skills. If you don’t understand how to create the best budget for you, get help. 

Lois Center-Shabazz| Money Strategist | Course Delta Agency

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7 Tips for a Budgeting Basic Bounce

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