14 Ways to Save Money for The Holiday Season Now
Shop with Cash for the Holiday Season
Save money for the holiday season now by shopping with cash, it sounds simple, but the number of people who shop with credit cards, feeling that their budget is unlimited, is huge. A financial failure for the holidays does not have to happen.
The misery after a holiday shopping overspend can feel like a hangover. So, when you keep that in mind, that will make it easier to shop with cash and save money for the holiday season.
Also, use cash as a standalone debit card that is purchased from a bank. Use a debit card with the maximum amount you want to spend. Debit cards can be purchased in many places, including grocery stores, drug stores, and other places. The best place is at a user’s personal bank for security reasons.
Save Money With a Cash Limit for the Holiday Season
If you have saved in a holiday savings account, take the money now to shop for the holidays. If there are no holiday savings, start a savings account now.
No matter what, there must be a purchase plan in place, and there absolutely must be a limit to avoid going into debt. Set a limit and stick with it no matter what. Find out how much everything costs and do comparison shopping by going online; online price comparisons are quick and easy.
Shop with a List to Avoid Overspending
Take a list with you when you shop. Save time, money, and gas by mapping out the shortest route to shopping. Some folks go from store to store, wasting precious gas money, sometimes as far away as 20 or 30 miles.
Know before the start of holiday shopping by; 1. Knowing exactly what you plan to buy, 2. Know where you plan to buy it, and 3. choose several stores in the same location, so you don’t waste money on gas.
The Misery After a Holiday Shopping Overspend Can Feel Like a Hangover
Don’t Shop During the Holiday Season When If are Tired or Hungry
When a shopper shops tired or hungry, there is a tendency to over-shop and leave the store quickly. A great thought process becomes “muddled,” and purchases are made that would not have been if on a full stomach or relaxed.
When a person is tired, there is a tendency to make mistakes due to a cloud in thought patterns. The thought is more about getting something to eat than what’s picked off up off the shelves.
So, it sounds like common sense, but a lot of shoppers just don’t take the time to note of hunger or tiredness before going holiday shopping, so a warning to shoppers, “take note” of your condition before you leave the house.
Kids May Not be the Best People to Help Buy Holiday Gifts
Don’t ask kids for advice on buying gifts for others. Most kids just don’t have the ability to understand the limits that should be put on every single gift.
So, you be the “captain of the gift-buying ship” and decide what will be purchased, and only you decide. Of course, it’s ok to ask kids to give choices for themselves and let them know you will choose a few holiday gifts from their choices.
Don’t let kids think “money grows on trees” during the holidays; let them know there is a limit.
Can You Really Afford That Holiday Party?
Holiday parties are all over the place during the holidays. But, before going out for a holiday party, ask yourself if it makes sense to spend the money.
To make your own affordable holiday party, make it a “potluck,” where everyone brings a dish. And to make it more stressless, ask a few friends or family to help with the cleanup.
Ask everyone to bring a unisex gift under $10, and pick names from a hat to give a gift at the party. Here I have created at least three ways to save money during the holiday season.
Why Holiday Gifts Don’t Always Cost Money
Teach kids or grandkids that holiday gifts don’t always cost money. For example, if you know that pantry you want to clean and organize – let your child know that would be a great Christmas gift to Mom.
Your elderly neighbor’s yard may need to be cut and trimmed – let your older child know that would be a great gift to the neighbor who watches your house when you are on vacation, and picks up your newspaper.
Maybe the attic is cluttered and disorganized. Let your children know that it would be a great gift to Mom and Dad to have them declutter and organize the attic. These are a few suggestions for “holiday gifts” that don’t always cost money. You can think of more.
A Holiday Budget Does Not Have to be Complicated
Plan for a holiday budget now. When it comes to a holiday budget, please don’t throw “caution to the wind.” In other words, take your holiday shopping seriously, and you can save serious money during the holidays.
It is easy to get distracted by all the beautiful holiday decorations and Christmas music in the stores. Even when shopping online, which many of us love to do, most of us want that holiday experience in stores, also.
But be careful; that experience is alluring. But you can keep your head on straight as long as you realize that the atmosphere is designed to make you spend all the money in your pocket and on your credit card.
An Online Course on Home Buying for Women is a Wonderful Way to Start
Save Money with Re-Arrangement For a Holiday Budget
You can re-arrange your monthly spending to include enough gift money for the holidays. Cut back on something you don’t need to buy or do for the next few months that you have done on a regular basis.
That may be going out to eat once a week or saving money on gas by skipping your weekly card game. Think of at least a few things you regularly do that you can cut back on for the holidays, then use that money for holiday spending.
Write Down A Holiday Budget and A Holiday Gift List
The more that is written down, the more that’s saved. Writing down a holiday gift list keeps you, your mind and heart, informed about the money you are spending moment by moment.
If there is a written spending budget, in most cases, you won’t go over your spending amount. It is also a signal when it is time to leave the store or online shopping site.
Writing creates “limit” awareness. All you need is a small diary. Some cell phones come with a writing pad; you can use that. Also, there is a word document if your cell phone permits.
Write a Diary of Holiday Gifts and Why Everyone Deserves Them
Know who deserves which holiday gift. Make a note of why they deserve the gift. For example,
1. If your son brought his grades up and learned to keep his room clean, 2. If your daughter does household chores without being told.
3. The times a neighbor took you grocery shopping and to run errands when your car was in the shop.
4. When a sibling helped you get your car fixed after you lost your job. These are just a few examples, but you get the idea.
The holiday gifts should be in line with the deeds. The holidays are a great opportunity to let folks know you appreciate them and what they have done for you during the holidays. It is also a great opportunity to teach your kids or grandkids why we give gifts with a purpose.
Set a Holiday Budget Spending Limit According to the Importance
Understanding a holiday limit is important. Unfortunately, too many shoppers go over that limit before they realize they put themselves in holiday debt.
Keep the credit card tucked away. Use cash or get a debit card with a limit at your bank. So, if your Holiday spending limit is $500 dollars, you would get a debit card for $500 and keep track of all your receipts and balances left.
You Can Understand Budgeting and Wealth Accumulation Like a Pro
Remember, Kids Don’t Have to be Spoiled During Holidays
I haven’t figured this out yet, but some parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles feel it is important to spoil their kids for the holidays. My suspicion is they feel their kids won’t feel loved if they don’t get all the material things they want. Not true.
Love is not gifting. It is a positive time and attention moment. So, when you feel you have to buy that overpriced gift or another gift they may not use after a short time, try sitting and having a long thought-out conversation with your child. Talk about their life and what they do when they leave the house, their friends, or their favorite interest.
Kids feel important when adults, especially their parents, show them they care enough to have deep and long conversations with them about their interests. So, the gifts should not only be in line with what they deserve but also what you can afford.
Who is The Most Important Person on Your Holiday List?
Make a list of your holiday persons. I know this sounds like favoritism, and it is, so start at the top and move to the bottom with a list of the most important to the least important people to give a holiday gift to.
The most important may be a spouse, parent, or child who has been special to you during the year. And the least important may be the holiday secret gift at work. No matter who gets a gift, make sure you keep it in perspective and give it accordingly.
I have listed 14 ways to save money for the holiday season. Now that I have you started, you can think of more or use my list.
Don’t think about buying your next car until you take this course!
This is a republish from a prior year

I always make a list for Christmas! Have to make sure the people I care about are taken care of
Great idea Crystal!
I will try listing too! A lot of gift ideas are coming for holidays that’s it’s really needed and helpful at this time
Understood, it helps a lot to stick to a list.
I could definitely do with some more money saving tips for the holiday season – I always try and put a bit away but it comes around so quickly.
It seems like it comes at lightning speed.
I will keep these in mind. I always put money back for Christmas so I have some spending money by November.
One of the things I always do is set a limit per person of how much I plan to spend. It really helps!
Pam, that is a very good idea.
This post is really informative. I have to make sure to check this out.
Thanks, Tasheena.
Following your recommendations to see if finally next year we can take a vacation again after 3 years of no fun at all.
Trust me, Adriana, it works.
I love making a list and sticking with it. That helps! This year is a bit bananas for us because we need to buy a ton of baby stuff and a van in November or December for a January arrival LOL
Congratulations to you!
Thank you for the list. I took a lot of time off of work this year to take care of the kids so the holidays will look different. Always thankful for any tips to help us stay on budget
Great, I bet the kids loved it.
These are some really great ideas here. The holidays can really take a toll on the wallet.
Exactly, and thanks kita
Thanks for sharing this tips yes these days saving money is important especially for the holidays
wow! Love these tips! Especially the one that we don’t need to spoil our kids during the holidays but we need to listen them more often!
we leave this morning for a vacation. i did a lot of these tips. i’ll have to remember the other things.
That is wonderful, and have a nice vacation!
Love this idea of buying gifts with cash. No need to put yourself in debt for the holidays in this economy. Great post.
The best way to save money is by not shopping. Of course, a few gifts are nice for the kids.
I am so big on having a list and budging everyone around the same number of gifts or price range. It keeps me from buying too much or spending too much.
Some great money saving tips here. I always stick to a list and never buy something I don’t really need.
That is great to know, and I wish more would do that.
I completely agree with not shopping when hungry. I always overbuy when I do that.
We start saving for Christmas January 1. We always have a budget but as times have become harder we only buy for the kids. Cash is always good!
These are great! I always love the home made gifts so much more than store bought anyway.
I always use a list. It stops me from overspending and also forgetting most of what I need lol.
This was a fun read, although when I got to the bit about how kids aren’t the best with helping buy gifts I did have a good laugh imagining what it would’ve been like if I let my kids do it when they were younger! We’d probably still be eating the candy from that Christmas.
It does make sense to pay with cash. It’s so easy to get in over your head, and then student loan payments are due right after the holidays too, so for me, I have to be careful with spending this year.
This is a really great and very informative post! I’m surely going to keep these tips in mind!
This is a very informative post; I am surely going to keep these amazing tips in mind. Thanks for sharing this.
These are some great tips. Kids definitely don’t have to be spoiled during the holidays. We used to do big Christmas’s but after adding in another kid and the costs rising this year, I’m glad to say my Christmas shopping is done for all kids and I spent a fraction of what I normally spend, but I’m sure they will appreciate what they get.
My son was asking what my budget was for Christmas to purchase gifts for him. I was trying to get him to make a list. I explained that I wanted to pay cash and it might be a tight year.