Why Women Need to Understand Investing Now
Investing Money for Beginners
There Are No Guarantees if Women Do Not Understand Investing
Women need to understand investing now because there are no guarantees you will stay married or even get married, women need to know how to take care of their finances. This is the start of investing money for beginners. This includes learning stock mutual funds, bond mutual funds and simple index funds. With these three types of funds you can buy stocks inexpensively, with low risk and learn to read charts that are not difficult.
But understanding investing now means you need to understand sane savings (my mantra), mega-money management (because everything is ultra-expensive), and investing (because you need to stay ahead of inflation to keep your money growing).
Far too many women are still taught to be financially dependent, even when you work, and many don’t get involved in family finances since you feel prince charming will be there to protect them forever. It is important to work together on finances, and staying out of family finances could have dire consequences foreither spouse. Stay involved in your family finances.
Divorce or Death Effecting Your Finances
Because you have at least a 50% chance of divorce and even greater chance of being separated from your spouse, it is imperative that you understand all the nuances of money, including investing. I focus on mutual funds because, 1. That is where my long term expertise and success is, 2. They are easy to understand once you put some “peddle to the metal” and study some of what I call, “mutual fund research”.
If you are not dependent on your husband to take care of all finances during your marriage, or an adviser if you are single, then you will know what to at any time, including with an illness, accident, or death. Dependency is not a good thing.
Many women fall victim to con artist who prey on women with money and no financial skills, because they are not familiar with the ease at which others prey on those without financial experience. Understanding stocks, bonds and mutual funds will create a knowledge bubble around you, that will keep you safe.
There are literally millions who have lost millions due to being trusting and naive. Don’t make yourself a victim by keeping your financial knowledge and skills very low. The potential for divorce or death from a spouse are a major reason why women need to understand investing.
Protect Yourself Now and in The Future and Protect Your Money
There are many women who never write a check or pay a bill, after getting married. That is hard to imagine, but it exists. Writing checks and paying bills are a powerful way to keep yourself aware of family finances and the limitations of money.
Then you monitor investments in mutual funds, or other investments for savings, college, or retirement, this gives you another layer of awareness and will help protect your finances now and in the future. I speak to beginning investors all the time who can’t analyze the simplest investments. This is not acceptable. Teaching investing for beginngers is something I am passionate about so you can protect specialty finances.
Therefore, women need to understand investing. Social security is meant to be a supplement, that is why the payout is very low for most people. Your 401k can be overrun with success if you know investing money for beginners. If you have a pension or get your husbands pension from death or divorce you can still benefit from know how it invest money.
When you understand investing, the chances are good you will also understand how to grow your investment retirement account and hold on to the accounts build by you or your spouse. Understanding why women need to understand investing will create an entire class of new and capable investors, who can also teach their daughters.
Lois Center-Shabazz | Course Delta Agency
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This post is a real wakeup call for me and many women. I leave the finances to my husband bu.t I need to learn more about these things
Exactly, when I talk to separated or divorces women they tell me two things; 1. I thought I would never get seperated or divorced, and 2. I thought I did not have the time.
I am pretty great with finances, but I don’t know much about investing. I will have to look into this to see if it’s something I want to try.
At some point it is good to know since most retirement and college funds are invested in something.
My dad, my brother, and my husband are all about finances. I understand the basics but going in-depth, I tend to leave that up to my husband.
I absolutely love this! Too many women rely on their husbands to do handle the finances. I’m a big believer that women should know how to make their money work for them.
This is a good reminder for me. My husband is always trying to tell me about our investments etc, and I just kind of tune him out. I need to take an interest in them.
Great advice. I have talked to many older women who tried that and it did not work out in the end. Good for you teaching your daughter, money talks start early.
I think it’s so important to be understand finances. Thanks for the great information.
Such an important discussion! I was talking with my husband about investing the other night, and I realized I really am clueless about this! It thought I knew, but I didn’t. Thankfully we chatted more and helped me understand it deeper.
I think any time is a good time to learn to invest. I learn old about the options but now I am happy I did. Never too late.
We all need to start making our own investments. This blog is really helpful for women out there. I will definitely let my wife see this.
I am so agree that women need to know how to take care of their finances. They need to be independent. Thanks for these useful tips!
I love this. I let my husband deal with all this (I’m a big feminist, but the money conversations stress me out, and I trust his judgment LOL) But it’s always good to have at least a basic knowledge of it. I’m gonna make sure we raise our kids to understand this sort of thing.
Very useful. Finances etc are something everyone needs to understand, not just women. It doesn’t matter your gender or age, understanding your finances is essential.
This post is really informative. Thanks for sharing this information.
I think this is a really good post with great information. It sure is important for us all to invest. I think we all need to know how to invest. My husband and I know all about this.
It is so important for women to understand investing and to also keep some money that they make in a separate account!
When my parents divorced, my mom was so scared. My dad had controlled their finances during their 30 years of marriage. Luckily, she did her research and learned so many things about investing and managing her money.