9 Great Ways to Understand Mutual Funds
How to Understand Mutual Funds
Understand mutual funds by beginning with the definition of a mutual fund, and then going on to understand the different types of mutual funds.
A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds, and short-term debt.
The combined holdings of the mutual fund are known as its portfolio. Investors buy shares in mutual funds. Each share represents an investor’s part
ownership in the mutual fund and the income it generates.
What Are Mutual Funds Used For?
Mutual funds are investments that are generally long-term investments that are used for general savings, retirement savings, and college fund savings.
Mutual funds are purchased because they are professionally managed, diversified investments, an affordable investment, and liquid.
Some have upfront fees to purchase and or sell called loads. Some have no-loads, but all have yearly management fees from as low as .2 to 8%.
I prefer fees less than 1% with no-loads. There are good mutual funds that fall into all categories.
Mutual funds make money when dividends are paid, usually every 3 months to every 12 months. Capital gains are usually every 12 months. Mutual funds also make money when the NAV value of the fund increases. The NAV is the Net Asset Value of the mutual fund, similar to the price of a single share of stock.
There are many types of mutual funds within these nine types of mutual funds. Here are the 9 different major types of mutual funds. The risks of mutual fund investing runs the gamut of very low to very high and many levels in between within one type of fund. Do your research thoroughly before investing in order to understand mutual funds.
I have invested in mutual funds for at least 30 years now, and they have served me well.
The 9 Different Types of Mutual Funds:
1. Allocation Mutual Funds
Risk: Low to Medium
Allocation funds are a combination of stock and fixed income securities and are subject to the risks involved in each of these security types. Stock markets are volatile and can fluctuate significantly in response to company, industry, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. In general, the bond market is volatile and fixed income securities that carry the interest rate, inflation, price volatility
and other risks.
2. Alternative Mutual Funds
Risk: From Low Risk to High
The fund may invest in securities that may have a leveraging effect (such as derivative and forward-settling securities) which may increase market exposure, magnify investment risks, and cause losses to be realized more quickly.
3. Commodities
Risk: High
The commodities industry can be significantly affected by commodity prices, world events, import controls, worldwide competition, government regulations, and economic conditions.
4. International Equity
Risk: Medium to High
Foreign markets can be more volatile than U.S. markets due to increased risks of adverse issuer, political, market, or economic developments, all of which are magnified in emerging markets. These risks are particularly significant for funds that focus on a single country or region.
Make absolutely sure your budget is in order before you begin to understand mutual funds and start investing.
5. Money Market Mutual Funds
Risk: Very Low
A money market mutual fund is a type of fixed income mutual fund that invests in debt securities characterized by their short maturities and minimal credit risk. You could lose money by investing in a money market fund. An investment in a money market fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Before investing always read a money market fund’s prospectus for policies specific to that fund.
6. Municipal Bond Mutual Funds
Risk: Very Low to Low
The municipal market can be affected by adverse tax, legislative or political changes and the financial condition of the issuers of municipal securities. Interest rate increases can cause the price of a municipal bond to decrease.
7. Sector Equity Mutual Funds
Risk: Medium to High
Stock markets, especially foreign markets, are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Sector funds can be more volatile because of their narrow concentration in a specific industry.
8. Taxable Bond Mutual Funds
Risk: Very Low to Medium
In general, the bond market is volatile, and fixed income securities carry interest rate risk. As interest rates rise, bond prices usually fall, and vice versa. Fixed income securities also carry inflation risk, liquidity risk, call risk, and credit and default risks. Unlike individual bonds, most bond funds do not have a maturity date, so avoiding losses caused by price volatility by holding them until maturity is not possible.
9. U.S. Equity Stock Mutual Funds
Risk: Low to Medium
Stock markets are volatile and can fluctuate significantly in response to company, industry, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Investing in stock involves risks, including the loss of principal.
You will understand mutual funds when you begin with understanding the different types of mutual funds.
Lois Center-Shabazz | Course Delta Agency
Personal Finance: Author, Blogger, Course Creator, Money Strategist
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I’ll keep this in mind. I admit, I don’t know much about mutual funds and have always been curious about them.
I let my husbanbalanced portfoliod handle our finances but knowing about these funds makes so much sense. I think funds can be essential to a balanced portfolio.
This is a really interesting post – I have to admit I know little about mutual funds but I feel after reading this I know a little more.
I love to listen to people talk about money! I came on to it late in life, so I am trying to get my daughter more interested now.
It is good to start early, but starting at anytime is great too.
I’m so glad you explained more about mutual funds so that I can be more aware of everything about them. Thank you for the resource, as I work to navigate financial decisions for our future.
It helps in financial planning.
Thanks for the knowledge, it’s great to know more about something.
Thank you.
Thanks for clarifying some things. We’ve been a fan of mutual funds for a while now. . I ‘ll pass this along to my husband!
Thank you for all this info! I found out so many new things about mutual funds!
Glad I could enlighten.
We invest in mutual funds but this was a great explanation of what they are. Thanks for the information.
Some are very lucrative over time and some have such high fees that your profits are limited.
Thanks for this. My Roth IRA is mainly mutual funds and I am wanting to sell some more stock to buy another one. You explained a lot for me to better understand it.
You’ve got a lot of wonderful information here. I love how you have explained it all. I need to look in to this with my husband. I don’t really know much about mutual funds myself.
I am taking up a course related to business that’s why this kind of blog is what I am thankful for encountering. New learnings for me, thank you
Very good Nathalie.
This is so informative! I think mutual fund is the investment type I will go to.
This is something I don’t know much about. It is interesting to learn some new things about finances.
I just realized how little I known about mutual funds. Thanks for this interesting read and all the information. This was really helpful.
This is a really great article to help explain mutual funds. Thanks so much for explaining it in a simple and understandable manner.
Glad it helped you.
To be honest I always found mutual funds a bit daunting. This is a very useful and informative post, thank you for clarifying!
You can do well with mutual funds over the long run. Glad I helped.