Going to College With Student Loans In the past 30 years as the priorities of states have shifted away from a public college education to for-profit government contract companies, the cost of college has... Read More1
Read an Annual Report If you read an annual report of an interested stock, it will be one of the most thorough analysis of a company you will find. Most annual reports are filled with beautiful... Read More1
The term “microcap stock” applies to companies with low or “micro” capitalizations, meaning the total value of the company’s stock. Microcap companies typically have limited assets. For example, in recent cases where the SEC suspended... Read More1
Choosing an Investment Professional Are you the type of person who will read as much as possible about potential investments and ask questions about them? If so, maybe you don’t need investment advice. But if... Read More1
Privatize Social Security, Update 2018 – It’s Getting Worse Some lawmakers would have you believe that social security is a massive debt program in terrible trouble. A Ponzi scheme is how many have characterized it.... Read More1
At MsFinancialSavvy.com, we are occasionally asked the question, “Why a financial website targeted to women?” The following article will attempt to explain our website. The Statistics: >Women are three times more likely than men to... Read More1
Education Reform As a part of the health care reform bill President Barack Obama signed a long over due education reform bill as a part of the health reform package. College has become progressively more... Read More0
There are some student loan co-signers who tell me they did not know exactly what they were doing when they agreed to sign. Co-signing for any loan, including a student loan is a very high-risk venture. There are many reasons why, and this is why some parents in their 70s and 80s are still paying on kids' student loans.