A Success Tips eNews With Free Investing eBook Excerpt

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There are many reasons to join MsFinancialSavvy for your personal finance money tips. I have been researching and studying budgeting, saving, and investing for several years now. I never dreamed I would have the investment portfolio I have. Heck, when I graduated from graduate school I thought I was doomed for life with student loans. I used credit cards to fill in the gaps for a living since my student loans balance was double my yearly salary. Things were just not adding up. I had to come up with a solution to pay off my student loans, pay off my credit cards, put away those cards, and live off the income. With the program I developed I paid off my student loans, credit cards, and begin to live off of income. I saved money for my first condo, then later a home. I came into a windfall when I sold my business, and that is where I got my huge break in life. Thankfully, by that time I had studied and developed my Money Trio: Guerrilla Budgeting – Sane Savings – and Investing Insights. I was investing in my retirement for a few years. Now, I knew what to do with money, and I have exploded my portfolio since then.

I would love to share my success with you, please join me in the box above 
